Worcester State HI 450/990 Winter Session 2012, “Introduction to the Digital Humanities”
Course Description:
This course introduces participants to emerging fields in digital humanities. Digital humanists employ digital and computer tools to conduct, discuss, and share scholarly research in the humanities. Students will get in on the action by studying new developments in digital history, literature and related disciplines and will use current tools for online research to develop several small web-based projects. The course is designed as a hybrid course, combining in-person meetings with online learning and discussion. Students working on their own larger research project in the humanities, for example who are thinking of doing a capstone project in the Spring of 2012 or who are writing a thesis, are especially welcome.
Your instructor: Tona Hangen, History Department, Worcester State University
Meeting Days and Times (tentative):
Tuesday, 1/3/12 12:00-2:30
Thursday, 1/5/12 12:00-2:30
Monday, 1/9/12 12:00-2:00
Wednesday, 1/11/12 12:00-2:00
Friday, 1/13/12 12:00-2:00
Required Textbooks:
*Cohen and Rosenzweig, Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving and Presenting the Past on the Web (2005) ISBN 0672330970
*Schreibman, et al, A Companion to Digital Humanities (2004) ISBN 1405103213
Meloni and Morrison, SAMS Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours (2009) ISBN 0672330970
*both of these are available online as free ebooks, so although all three texts will be available in the college bookstore, the third one is the only one you’ll need to purchase in paper format.
Additional readings will be available as online links or PDF files through this site and/or the Blackboard interface