
This graduate-level seminar on American constitutional history engages with major concepts, issues, events, historical interpretations and ongoing conflicts related to the U.S. Constitution since the end of Reconstruction (1877-present). Course participants will deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Constitution and its history through focused seminar discussion, independent research into constitutional history topics, and by designing ways to apply constitutional history to their own educational settings. This course is taught under the auspices of “Securing the Blessings of Liberty,” a Teaching American History (TAH) grant jointly administered by the American Antiquarian Society and the Worcester Public Schools. Satisfactory completion of the course earns its participants graduate credit through Worcester State University’s Division of Graduate and Continuing Education.

Instructor: Tona Hangen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of 19th and 20th century US History

Email: thangen (at) worcester (dot) edu

Office: Department of History and Political Science, Worcester State University, Sullivan 327-B

Phone, daytime: (508) 929-86866