2 Workshops, Election Day and a Revolution

by admin - October 29th, 2014

Our class for Tues 11/4 has light reading but will be a hands-on workshop with some sources and materials for understanding the internment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II.

II. That internment included both American-born citizens and immigrants who were (as we have discussed) legally unnaturalizable. Please read the brief essay by David Goldstein-Shirley, and bring your laptops to class to use in group work. I will hand back your CITIZEN project drafts with my feedback and comments.

Reading: “Enemies in their Own Land,” by David Goldstein-Shirley (PDF)

And of course keep an eye on the election news!

Update Wed 11/5: 2 good articles on the election results

Molly Ball, “A Republican Wave Sweeps the Midterm Elections,” Atlantic
Philip Rucker and Robert Costa, “Battle for the Senate: How the GOP Did It,Washington Post

Thurs 11/6 will be a peer review and planning workshop day for our CITIZEN project. Bring a current draft of your project, printed and ready for someone to look it over for peer review.

Tues 11/11 – No Class, Veteran’s Day

Thurs 11/13 Rights Revolution. Reading: Good Citizen p. 240-264 and Right to Vote p. 205-217. Final version of the CITIZEN project is due, web-ready, electronically submitted as outlined in the guidelines.

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