Japanese American Internment Workshop 11/3
by admin - November 2nd, 2016
In your groups, explore the links / documents / digital artifacts below and record your group’s finding and impressions in this Google spreadsheet
1-4) Japanese American Relocation Digital Archive (JARDA) – People / Places / Everyday Life / Personal Experiences
5) Primary documents relating to relocation (National Archives, read the overview and scroll down to the list of documents)
6) Ansel Adams’ Photographs at Manzanar – Fall 1943 (Library of Congress)
7) War Relocation Authority Documents (Truman Presidential Library)
8) A More Perfect Union (Smithsonian)
9) 442nd Regimental Combat Team (recruited from within the camps) – photographs from Calisphere
10) Case files of claimants under the Japanese Evacuation Claims Act of 1948 (National Archives)
11) 1982 Report: Personal Justice Denied (National Archives)
12) Proclamation 4417, Gerald Ford 1976 (Ford Presidential Library)
13) Dr Suess Went to War political cartoons 1941-1943 (University of California San Diego)
Supreme Court cases:
14) Korematsu v. US (1944) | biography of Mr. Korematsu
15) Hirabayashi v. US (1943, reopened and vacated 1987) | biography of Mr. Hirabayashi
16) Yasui v. US (1943, reopened and vacated 1984) | biography of Mr. Yasui
17) Ex parte Mitsuye Endo (1944) | Ms. Endo’s story
Update, 11/16/16 – Carl Higbie interviewed on Fox News, citing internment as precedent for proposed Trump administration policy of Muslim registry.