2018 Project Guidelines

List of 2018 Project Topics to prevent duplication

Handout: Test Your Thesis Statement

Purpose: As a class, create a well-researched, well-written resource website exploring the history or policy of American citizenship, voting, immigration or naturalization. Each person contributes one new page to the CITIZEN site.

Due dates:
10/9 PROPOSAL (5 points)
11/1 DRAFT (15 points) 1600-1800 words, plus memo
11/1 Peer Review Day – bring a printed copy of your essay so far
11/20 FINAL VERSION (25 points) 1600-1800 words, plus Notes & Further Reading
12/6 ABSTRACT (5 points), plus keywords – Advice Handout Here
12/6 LIGHTNING ROUND PRESENTATION (10 points) – exactly 2 minutes, timed
12/10 ONLINE PUBLICATION – All revisions / corrections due by Dec 6
12/10 REFLECTION PAPER (5 points)

Total: 70 points = 35% of your course grade

Download excerpt from a sample paper showing HTML markup and proper citation style

Web Formatting Resources: All the HTML You Need for Citizen Nation Web Essays

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a simple and universal language (a code) that instructs any internet browser how to display your essay.

1) Marking Up Text

The first thing to know about HTML is that you use its code to “mark up” text or images by surrounding them with a command enclosed in angle brackets. You need both a starting command and an ending one.

For example: to make text bold, put this command at the beginning of the text to be bolded:


and this command at the end



Like this:

<strong>this text will be bold</strong>


2) Combining Tags

HTML tags can also be nested. For example, the command for making text italic is <em>

To make the text above both bold and italic, open with <em> and close with </em>, inside (or outside) the <strong> commands

Like this:

<strong><em>this text will be bold and italic</em></strong>

<em>this text is only italic, not bold</em>


3) Inserting Hyperlinks

You notice when you look at websites that certain text, usually underlined and colored, is a HYPERLINK, meaning if you click on it, it immediately jumps you to somewhere else on the web. To add hyperlinked text to your essay, the basic syntax is:

<a href=“url where you want to go”>text you want to be hyperlinked</a>

For example, if I were linking to our CITIZEN site, the code would be:

<a href=””>Our Citizen Site</a>

and the words Our Citizen Site would be a hyperlink to that url.


You can use hyperlinks to provide the url of your online sources. Say you wanted the url’s text itself to be a hyperlink.

Do this:

<a href=””> </a>

The result will be: 

4) Your essay should include at least some HTML so that you become familiar with it (in my opinion, this is a basic 21st century skill everyone should know). So somewhere in your essay, include at least one hyperlink.