Citizenship Now (last three classes of Spring ’12)

by admin - April 20th, 2012

Monday 4/23 – The State of Things. Applying RV Ch 9 to the Massachusetts story. Also, last soapboxes. You will get your research papers back.

Today’s Links:

Wednesday 4/25 – Research Lightning Round. Prepare a 2-minute presentation / mini-PechaKucha (instructions are under the “Research Project” tab above) about your research project. We may have distinguished guests; polish and practice MANY times before Wednesday. Your abstract is due, preferably in electronic form, so I can post it online easily.

Monday 4/30 – Occupy Citizenship. Reading: GC 287-314 and explore some of the links below, to look at either the #ows (Occupy Wall Street) movement which started last summer/fall, or mobilization and citizenship issues in the 2012 presidential election year. Your RP#4 is due – instructions are under the “Paper Prompts” tab above. Where do you get your political news? What mobilizes or empowers you politically as a citizen? blog

NPR, 2/9/12 “Occupy Wall Street, The History and Future So Far” (Talk of the Nation program)

Huffington Post article 3/16/12 “Occupy Wall Street: 6 Months Later (which is running a new “Continental Congress” this coming June 2012)

Pew Research Center for People and the Press

Scholastic Magazine’s coverage of Election 2012 (okay, I know it’s aimed at middle schoolers but it’s one of the few fairly neutral sources out there)

Gallup Election Polling 2012

Project (by the nonpartisan League of Women Voters)

NYTimes Election/Politics coverage (it also has a mobile app for iPhone or Android)

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