“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor” …Or Not

by admin - October 24th, 2012


This coming week we examine the different experiences of some other groups in the “braid” of citizenship that Kerber described, and at the anxieties and hopes of Americans as they faced a newly multicultural nation in the early twentieth century.

Mon 10/29 Petitioners at the Gates. SOAPBOXES plus… Reading: Collins, “Aliens v. Free Born” (PDF) and Yung, “Bowlful of Tears Revisited” (PDF). Update: NO CLASS TODAY, due to the Storm – we will have Soapboxes on Wed instead, but please do the reading anyway and take good notes on it.

Wed 10/31 A Melting Pot? Reading: Kallen, “Democracy Versus the Melting Pot: A Study of American Nationality” (1915, reprinted online) and Barrett, “Americanization from the Bottom Up: Immigration and the Remaking of the Working Class in the US, 1880-1930” (PDF)

Also: keep at your research!! Your draft is due on the 7th

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