Welcome to Fall 2018
by admin - September 6th, 2018
Welcome to Citizen Nation, Fall 2018! This semester we will explore three interrelated themes in American history and politics: the concept, meaning and contested history of citizenship; voting rights and how they’ve changed over time; and immigration and naturalization policy in the American past and present. Struggles over American citizenship have been at the core of the American story since its founding.
The guiding questions for this course are:
- Who counts as an American citizen?
- What does it mean to be an American citizen?
- What rights, privileges, and responsibilities are part of that definition?
- How have these changed over time?
The course is intended as a rigorous upper-level course that counts for CON, WAC and DAC across the curriculum. If you are taking it for LASC, it can count for USW or TLC. It is cross-listed as History *or* Political Science, and the course can also be taken as an Honors class if you are part of the Commonwealth Honors Program.
Take some time this week to study the syllabus and the course website in detail, and reach out if you have any questions or concerns. And get ready to get woke and work hard!
This website has been developed in previous semesters, so there is information from past years as an archive for those students. You can safely ignore anything not tagged with “Fall 18.”