Technology Day, Mon 9/9
by Dr. H - September 5th, 2013
In this course, we extend the digital history skills you began developing in HI 411 “The Historian’s Craft,” which included an ePortfolio with journal entries and uploaded examples of your best work in the course. We will utilize a number of computer-related resources and skills in the senior seminar, ranging from database and library research online to digital archives to creating your own site for professional self-presentation and reflection on your history learning. Monday is a “Technology Day” for getting some of those elements set up and running.
Note: Change of Location for Monday 9/9!
We will not meet in our regular classroom; instead, please meet in Sullivan 138 at our usual time of 12:30 (the computer cluster near the Math department) – we will be combining with the first-year students in Dr. Aldo Guevara’s course “Dictators and Revolution in Latin America” for the day because they are also setting up WordPress sites and I’ll be instructing everyone together on how to do this.
If you have already created a WordPress site back when you took HI 411, please refresh your memory on your username and password so you can access that account and make changes to the site in class on Monday.
Please bring your laptops – the first-year students will be on the cluster computers but you will want your own computer so you can download and experiment with some of the tools I recommend if you don’t already know about them, including Dropbox and perhaps some of the many database, research management, productivity, organization and citation software programs that bless the lives of 21st century historians (such as Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley, Trello, or Evernote).
One last reminder: Please go to our course on Blackboard and make sure to take the Research Self-Test before Monday’s class. If you have trouble accessing or completing the survey, email me to let me know so I can help troubleshoot!