Archive for the 'Course News' Category

Post-Break Home Stretch

by Dr. H - March 28th, 2016

Now back from spring break, here’s a look at the next few weeks as you turn in a final draft and then revise and polish it further. Along with that main task, you’ll be exploring other disciplinary writing genres, including the CV (revisited), a book review, and an abstract. Continue reading →

Unit 2: Research Strategy

by Dr. H - February 21st, 2016

Download Paper Template Here

During this unit, we’ll do less as a group with content & discussion and more with working (together and individually) on beginning your research in earnest. Continue reading →

Common Texts for Week of 2/8 + J3 Prompt

by Dr. H - February 3rd, 2016

Manseau’s book has given us an overview of US religious history from the perspective of alternative / marginalized / persistent religious difference dating back to the nation’s earliest era. I have appreciated our lively discussion about this book and its argument.

This week, as a class, we’ll tackle some foundational common primary source texts in American religious history. Continue reading →

Some early announcements

by Dr. H - January 20th, 2016

Thanks to all for a good first class meeting. Just wanted to reiterate the announcements from today. Continue reading →

Important: Room Change

by Dr. H - January 15th, 2016

Hello all,

There has been a room change for our class this term from what was originally listed on the syllabus. We will now meet in May St Building Room 212 (the back end of the former synagogue), instead of in the Sullivan building.

Thanks – see you there on Wed Jan 20th. ~ Dr. Hangen

First Day of Class: Assignment for Wed, Jan 20, 2016

by Dr. H - January 11th, 2016

There are four required books for our class, and it looks like all are in stock at the bookstore. I want to give a homework assignment due on our first day so that we hit the ground running for our only meeting in the first week. Continue reading →

Welcome, Spring 2016 Seniors!

by Dr. H - December 31st, 2015

Welcome to the History department capstone for Spring 2016!

Our capstone course is designed to help you synthesize and integrate learning in the major and your college education, demonstrate mastery of historical thinking and the student learning outcomes of the history major; and facilitate your transition from WSU to your chosen post-graduate plans. It is meant to be the culminating learning experience of your history degree. Continue reading →

Last Class – Fall 2014

by Dr. H - December 9th, 2014

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Unit 4: Scholarly Argument, Storytelling, and Polish

by Dr. H - November 6th, 2014

TypewriterTedaldiThis unit is all about scholarly argument, storytelling, and polishing your writing – which is appropriate given you are now in revision mode. Continue reading →

Unit 3: Narrative Techniques for Historians

by Dr. H - October 24th, 2014

During this (short) unit, please read and study the remainder of Storey’s book, especially as you put the final version of your paper together for its due date on Thurs, Nov 6. Notice (and trust) what Storey has to say about narration, structure, and argument and the clear flow of logical thought, as well as follow his suggestions for the mechanics of citation and to observe the conventions of historical writing.
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