Wrap-Up for Fall 2013
by Dr. H - December 9th, 2013
Mon 12/9/2013 = Last day of class. WSU is delayed until 10, but that won’t affect our class. Today is the course wrap-up. Continue reading →
Mon 12/9/2013 = Last day of class. WSU is delayed until 10, but that won’t affect our class. Today is the course wrap-up. Continue reading →
This unit is all about scholarly argument, storytelling, and polishing your writing – which is appropriate given you are now in revision mode. Remember you have 25 days from handing in your final draft to handing in a revised draft. As we turn to some of the scholarship and sources around McCarthyism – a key part of the 1950s, and one that (as it turns out) no one is directly addressing in their research – pay particular attention to technique, method and writing style. Continue reading →
During this (short) unit, please read and study the remainder of Storey’s book, especially as you put the final version of your paper together for its due date on Wed, Nov 6. Notice (and trust) what Storey has to say about narration, structure, and argument and the clear flow of logical thought, as well as follow his suggestions for the mechanics of citation and to observe the conventions of historical writing. Continue reading →
During this unit, we’ll do less as a group with content & discussion and more with working (together and individually) on beginning your research in earnest. My goal is to help you develop and carry out a coherent, conscious and successful research strategy. Continue reading →
The goal of this first unit is to bring you up to speed on the history — and historiography — of the postwar era in the United States and to suggest possible research topics so that you begin your research phase with a clear idea of where to head next. Continue reading →
In this course, we extend the digital history skills you began developing in HI 411 “The Historian’s Craft,” which included an ePortfolio with journal entries and uploaded examples of your best work in the course. We will utilize a number of computer-related resources and skills in the senior seminar, ranging from database and library research online to digital archives to creating your own site for professional self-presentation and reflection on your history learning. Monday is a “Technology Day” for getting some of those elements set up and running. Continue reading →
This is the inaugural semester of the History capstone at Worcester State. Welcome, pioneers! A capstone course is designed to help you synthesize and integrate learning in the major and your college education, demonstrate mastery of historical thinking and the student learning outcomes of the history major; and facilitate your transition from WSU to your chosen post-graduate plans. It is meant to be the culminating learning experience of your history degree. Continue reading →