Unit 4: Scholarly Argument, Storytelling, and Polish
by Dr. H - November 6th, 2014
This unit is all about scholarly argument, storytelling, and polishing your writing – which is appropriate given you are now in revision mode.
Remember you have 25 days from handing in your final draft to handing in a revised draft. Continue to rely on Storey’s strong advice about storytelling and crafting strong prose narratives. And over the next several weeks, look for good examples of exemplary storytelling in your own reading for this and other classes, and in other forms of media as well – journalism, film, even commercials. As you encounter good (true) stories, pay particular attention to technique, method and writing style. There’s inspiration everywhere.
Tues 11/11 – No classes, Veteran’s Day
We will have individual writing conferences during the week of 11/12 – 11/18, alongside our regular class meetings.
Thurs 11/13 Crafting Narratives – Reading is Doing Recent History Part 5.
Tues 11/18 Writing Workshop – Reading: Storey Chapters 7-8. Revised CV is due back in class. Update: also, please bring 2 printed pages from your in its current form essay: the first page and the last page.
Thurs 11/20 Revising Workshop – Reading: Storey, Ch 9. Bring your essay in its current state, either in paper form or on your laptop.
Don’t worry, it won’t be like this…
Tues 11/25 Abstracting Workshop – Prepare by reading this advice from UNC’s Writing Center. Journal #7 is due, reflecting on your writing process. What has worked? Where have been your bottlenecks? What advice would you give me about how to teach writing and support good writing practices? What advice would you have given to yourself at the beginning of the term, given what you know now? What have you learned about yourself as a writer?
Thurs 11/27 – No class, Thanksgiving holiday
Tues 12/2 Revised Draft is due back by classtime, sent electronically as a Word or PDF document. Film Day: we will screen another PBS Frontline episode of your choosing.
Thurs 12/4 The History That Wasn’t. As a thought exercise, today we look at counterfactural histories; is this real history? What is the role of history in envisioning alternative pasts? Reading – Bachrach, “Counterfactual Constructions.”
In class we will listen to: NPR Planet Money, “1964 Futurama”
Tues 12/9 Our Inner History of the New America. Last day of class & course wrap-up. Homework: Bring something to share/discuss with your group. This could be an object (remember back to our first day exercise, opening the time capsule), or something you want to recommend as reading or viewing, or a quote from something you’ve read that is worth sharing and discussing. Due by classtime: Proposal abstract for the Celebration of Scholarship and Creativity AND re-take the Research self-test on Blackboard.
Reminder: All parts of the portfolio are due by Tuesday, Dec 16th.
[typewriter image adapted from Marco Tedaldi, Creative Commons licensed]