Links for today:
Armies and Organization in the Civil War (Battlefield Trust)
Magnitude of the Civil War (Ken Burns)
Animated Battle Map of entire Civil War, by year (Battlefield Trust)
Overview of the Western Theater (Battlefield Trust)
Vicksburg Campaign – July 1863 (Battlefield Trust)
Chickamauga Campaign / Battle of Chattanooga – Sept-Nov 1863 (Battlefield Trust)
Atlanta Campaign – May-Sept 1864 (Battlefield Trust)
Sherman’s March – late 1864 (Ken Burns)
Sherman’s Field Order No. 15 – 1865 (Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History)
Fourteenth Amendment, especially Section 3
Historians’ Amicus Brief in the Supreme Court case Trump v. Anderson (Colorado Disqualification case, being argued before the court on 8 Feb 2024).
Historians Jill Lepore and David Blight discuss their Amicus Brief (above) and the relevant history on NPR (31 Jan 2024)