Remember to bring laptops on Thursday so we can play with these types of sources
Thursday Links:
Ireland 1916-1923 Letters Project
By the People transcription projects
This week: Prince Harry and Duchess of Sussex Megan Markle sued the publisher of the Daily Mail for publishing a private, handwritten letter to her father. “The royal couple filed a claim against Associated Papers for the misuse of private information, infringement of copyright and breach of the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act 2018, according to the law firm representing the couple.” (NBC News)
Also this week is #AskAnArchivist week on Twitter
Tuesday Links:
Doing Research at a National Archives Facility (our closest = Waltham MA)
Visiting the Archives (Delaware Public Archives)
Visiting the Archives (Hawaii State Archives)
1991: switching from analog to digital card catalogs (San Francisco City Public Library)