Unit 2 Summary: The 1950s and 1960s

by admin - February 9th, 2016

Fri 2/5 Congress Day #2 (cancelled due to snow)
Mon 2/8 Consumer Culture MO 5 (snow day, online class)
Wed 2/10 Men & Women in the 1950s. Reading: Evans, “The Cold War and the Feminine Mystique” (PDF on Blackboard under Readings)
Fri 2/12 Congress Day #3 (bring laptops)
Mon 2/15 No Class – Presidents Day
Wed 2/17 Age of Consensus MO 6
Handout: Consensus Presidents + Civil Rights Cases

Fri 2/19 Age of Consensus: What, Are You Kidding Me? HOT 3
Handout: History of Our Time Part 3 chart

Mon 2/22 New Frontiers and the Great Society MO 7-8 up to page 133
Wed 2/24 Vietnam MO 8 to end of chapter + HOT 4
Fri 2/26 Congress Day #4 (bring laptops)
Mon 2/29 Rebellion and Counterculture MO 9 + HOT 5
Wed 3/2 The 1960s in Review

Exam 2 Study Guide
Fri 3/4 Exam #2 (MO 5-9 and HOT 3-5)

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