Archives and Manuscripts

Tuesday Links

What’s in an Archive? (Delaware Public Archives)

Visiting the Archives (Hawaii State Archives)

1991: switching from analog to digital card catalogs (San Francisco City Public Library)

Archival Finding Aid examples: Jane Swift / Ellen Barksdale Brown

Thursday Links

Remember to bring laptops on Thursday so we can play with these types of sources

Letters and Diaries Online

Martha Ballard Diary

Journals of Lewis and Clark

Joseph Smith Papers Project

Ireland 1916-1923 Letters Project

Paleography Tutorial

Paleographical Commons at the Yale Beinecke Library

Try Your Hand at Transcribing Some Originals

By the People Library of Congress transcription projects

Documenting the American South

Trails of Hope: Overland Diaries and Letters, 1846-1849

JARDA – Japanese American Relocation Digital Archive