Important! First IN-PERSON Class will be Jan 27

The syllabus has now been posted on Blackboard and to the course website (see Syllabus tab, above).

Please note, this is a blended course and meets partly online. The first two weeks will be conducted ONLINE. There will be no class meetings on Jan 13 or Jan 20. The first in-person class will be Jan 27.

However: there is a lot that YOU need to do in the first two weeks of class. Please navigate to the Content section on Blackboard –> Weeks 1 and 2 document has details and a checklist, or download it here.

Weeks 1&2 for HI 460 Students
Weeks 1&2 for HI 914 Students

If you have general questions about the class, please ask them in the Troubleshooting discussion forum on Blackboard and I’ll answer them there. If you have specific questions that apply only to you, please email me at I will be on campus starting Tuesday, Jan 22 and I hold regular office hours Mon 1:30 – 3:30, Thurs 1-2, and by appointment.

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